About Us

avr dental institute hyderabad habsiguda

Why AVR Dental Institute

We see many people facing challenges along their journey due to the ever-changing demands in professional practice; and dentistry is no exception to this.

The journey of a dentist actually starts in their own clinical practice, where there will be no mentors or peers to correct them. Everyone has their own learning curve, and as a human, it is not possible to be perfect in everything. Due to various reasons, one may not be able to gain the required clinical exposure in the extensive curriculum during their graduation studies. Our honest commitment to bridge this gap has led to the foundation of AVR Dental Institute.

We offer a second platform of learning for dental students by providing an opportunity to choose the course depending upon their need. We mentor you to strengthen your confidence in delivering quality dental care to patients.

Our systematic approach to clinical training helps you in boosting your confidence levels.

“Confidence can do things for you, but confidence without clarity is a big disaster on the planet” – Sadhguru

Our Vision

AVR Dental Institute is committed to bridging the gap between theoretical and practical skills required for aspiring dental practitioners to build their confidence, while being economically accessible to practitioners and providing premium quality dental care to patients.

Advanced Armamentarium Institute

Here’s a Small Tour of Our Campus

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